Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

October 2009

A practitioner’s musings about everything specific and nothing in general… HAVING passed its third birthday, … more

13 mins

EQUINE backs are becoming recognised as a source of poor performance and are associated with … more

9 mins

A SCOTTISH research facility has launched a vaccine company to bring its research to market. … more

3 mins

Jonathan Garratt summarises equine medicine lectures on dynamic respiratory endoscopy, equine metabolic syndrome and intestinal … more

18 mins

Roger Evans ponders food shortages, shares his dreams and envisages a new world for large … more

13 mins

Diana Delmar discusses the relationship between poor feline feeding practices and behavioural problems The way … more

16 mins

Nigel Dougherty explains the difficulties this disease potentially poses to the farming community, and describes … more

19 mins

Romain Pizzi provides an overview of the technical aspects of laser surgery, together with advantages … more

27 mins

Richard Dixon looks at the review of VN training and ponders whether it will be … more

12 mins

Jenny Moffett reports on a business forum where the tricky subject of charging patients came … more

26 mins

William Lewis discusses surgical techniques, drugs and clinical approaches that minimise risks traditionally associated with … more

23 mins

Dan Forster meets the largest pig meat producer in Rarotonga, who runs an efficient, effective … more

16 mins

Hany M Elsheikha, Nashwa A Elsaied, Faeza El-Dahtory follow up their article on organophosphates (VT … more

10 mins

Graham Duncanson describes the problems found in bovine calving and how the practitioner’s size and … more

24 mins

So, The Royal Show is no more; that famous occasion when men in bowler hats … more

19 mins

THE Scottish Government has announced changes to its testing regimes for two major livestock diseases. … more

4 mins

Penny Marshall reviews the basic behavioural steps needed to provide the modern dog with social … more

24 mins

Caroline Reay gives an insight into her experiences since the opening of the south London … more

24 mins

Hannah Ridgwell reflects on how being in the middle of her career allows her to … more

16 mins

Shelley Down presents the second part of an overview of equine osteoarthritis management, including a … more

31 mins