Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

October 2009

ONE of the problems with consumers is that they are just not that predictable. Sure, … more

12 mins

A practitioner’s musings about everything specific and nothing in general… HAVING passed its third birthday, … more

13 mins

EQUINE backs are becoming recognised as a source of poor performance and are associated with … more

9 mins

A SCOTTISH research facility has launched a vaccine company to bring its research to market. … more

3 mins

Jonathan Garratt summarises equine medicine lectures on dynamic respiratory endoscopy, equine metabolic syndrome and intestinal … more

18 mins

Roger Evans ponders food shortages, shares his dreams and envisages a new world for large … more

13 mins

Diana Delmar discusses the relationship between poor feline feeding practices and behavioural problems The way … more

16 mins

Nigel Dougherty explains the difficulties this disease potentially poses to the farming community, and describes … more

19 mins

Bruce Vivash Jones reflects on the changes in veterinary life over a century of diverse changes, and compares the vet’s role – in the past, present and future.

27 mins

Jennifer Wakeling discusses the latest advancements in diagnostics and treatments for older cats – including diabetes, heart … more

28 mins

Jenny Moffett reports on a business forum where the tricky subject of charging patients came … more

26 mins

William Lewis discusses surgical techniques, drugs and clinical approaches that minimise risks traditionally associated with … more

23 mins

Dan Forster meets the largest pig meat producer in Rarotonga, who runs an efficient, effective … more

16 mins

Hany M Elsheikha, Nashwa A Elsaied, Faeza El-Dahtory follow up their article on organophosphates (VT … more

10 mins

Graham Duncanson describes the problems found in bovine calving and how the practitioner’s size and … more

24 mins

So, The Royal Show is no more; that famous occasion when men in bowler hats … more

19 mins

THE Scottish Government has announced changes to its testing regimes for two major livestock diseases. … more

4 mins

Penny Marshall reviews the basic behavioural steps needed to provide the modern dog with social … more

24 mins

Caroline Reay gives an insight into her experiences since the opening of the south London … more

24 mins

Hannah Ridgwell reflects on how being in the middle of her career allows her to … more

16 mins