VBJ articles

August 2024

Conventional pay-per-service veterinary models are struggling to keep pace with the demands of accessible and affordable healthcare. Subscription models are seen by many new practices as the solution for pet owners looking to provide comprehensive care for their pets while keeping costs in check...

4 mins

The route to running your practice efficiently while increasing profitability could be right at your fingertips. Practice management systems can often be overlooked but, in the right hands, they have the potential to transform your business…

23 mins

From premises, staffing issues and dealing with local competition to regulatory matters and HMRC, there’s much to think about when running a practice. But one source of worry for many, understandably, is how to keep the financial plates spinning and, in particular, where to source the funding necessary to keep the doors open…

25 mins

July 2024

No more important time exists in the life cycle of a veterinary practice than the first year of trading. Here, independent practice owner Helen Simmons shares her insights on how to get your practice off to a flying start…

31 mins

Animal Friends is one of the UK’s largest providers of pet insurance and offers a wide range of market-leading products for dogs, cats and horses. To find out more and get up to speed with latest developments, VBJ spoke to head of veterinary services at Animal Friends Insurance, Jen Wormleighton.

10 mins

Choosing a good and trustworthy accountant is critical to the success of any organisation. As court cases have illustrated, veterinary practices are not exempt from being a victim of criminality committed by those associated with them, especially where finance is involved…

24 mins

Sometimes in life it’s worth throwing caution to the wind and taking a risk for the right opportunity. For Kirsty Perratt that opportunity arrived two years ago and she grabbed it with both hands, as VBJ discovered when we paid a visit to Doncaster Pet Clinic last month…

33 mins

June 2024

The process of referring a client’s animal into the hands of another clinician can be fraught with complications. But, as so often in life, good communication is key to success… 

26 mins

Bury St Edmunds Veterinary Centre is an excellent example of a practice that is being run in a way to suit all stakeholders. Great veterinary care, a strong team ethos and excellent customer service are what make this practice tick, as VBJ discovered when we paid a visit to Suffolk last month…

33 mins

Kitting out a clinic can be fraught with difficulties. Too much choice is one problem, while financing is another. However, common sense can be drawn on in acquiring what is needed at the lowest possible cost, being tax efficient and considering used equipment…

25 mins

“The latest version of the Vetus 7 Expert introduces several software upgrades aimed at further enhancing its functionality to assist the veterinarian and improve efficiency,” claims Probo Medical.

10 mins

May 2024

It can be a daunting prospect for those who decide to go it alone and  open their own veterinary practice. But plenty of support is out there for those who know where to find it, as Gemma Barmby explains...

25 mins

VetEnvoy is a veterinary communications hub that provides a seamless flow of information between key practice IT systems. To find out more about this innovative and fast-evolving system, VBJ sat down with managing director of VetEnvoy, Sarah Kirkham…

10 mins

Veterinary practice is a service industry and while situations always occur where animal welfare trumps all, any business needs to entice and retain clients to stay afloat. This means excellent customer service must always be a key priority, so it’s vital to get it right…

28 mins

The buzz around Creature Comforts has been building since news first emerged of a “pet tech” start-up with eye-catching plans to revolutionise the way veterinary care works for vets, pets and clients. So, when the first clinic opened in central London last month, VBJ caught up with founder Russell Welsh to see if this ambitious venture looks like it’s living up to the hype…

33 mins

April 2024

In this VBJ Hygiene Insight, Vincent Sherard-Bornshin – chief executive of RSPCA Bury, Oldham and District – explains the benefits behind Truvox Multiwash in helping close the gaps in cleaning protocols after he invested in the system during COVID.

11 mins

There will be new challenges and opportunities for veterinary practices when a change in the law comes into force on 10 June that will mean all cats in England have to be microchipped. In this article, the author explains everything you need to know about the  process…

22 mins

Vets must strike a balance between achieving adequate parasite control for their patients and using parasiticides in a sustainable way. This can only be achieved with a risk-based approach to their use and by giving careful consideration to choosing the right product for the job…

27 mins

The most predictable consequence of last month’s CMA announcement was the unwelcome return of sensationalised “money-grabbing vet” stories across the mainstream media. In almost every case, however, such ill-informed headlines couldn’t be further from the truth, as VBJ was delighted to rediscover when we paid a visit to Nightingale Vets last month…

33 mins

March 2024

It doesn’t take much to set up a practice – just a good idea, common sense, graft, opportunity and, of course, appropriate funding. However, to last the course and become successful it takes thought and planning…

26 mins