Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

February 2009

Kate Rew, Lowri Davies, Rebecca Sharples discuss physiotherapy, hydrotherapy and therapeutic exercise for dogs post-injury … more

37 mins

Claire Milligan explains why approaches to this qualification have been updated and outlines participants’ feedback … more

23 mins

THIS book is a must for every veterinary practice library, as well as medical ones. … more

7 mins

THE RVC’s hockey teams have gained a new backer after being without sponsorship for the … more

2 mins

January 2009

Alex Gough reveals study findings of conditions affecting cats and dogs, such as risk factors … more

14 mins

THE BBC pulled off a major coup with Pedigree Dogs Exposed, its documentary about breed … more

15 mins

Catherine Dunnet cuts through the hype surrounding mycotoxins, and evaluates scientific evidence behind the problem, … more

34 mins

Luke Gamble recounts team Gamble’s mission to save the animals of a refugee camp in … more

25 mins

Catherine Le Bars searches for a celestial presence as she’s faced with angelic healers, a … more

14 mins

Robin Fearon talks to staff at a world-renowned equine practice that is going from strength … more

17 mins

Vicki Brown discusses how this complex condition can be controlled with insulin therapy, and monitored … more

23 mins

OLI VINER reflects on the ups, downs and oddness that marked his baptism in veterinary … more

17 mins

Fabienne Dethioux reviews some of the topics under discussion when the World Congress of Veterinary … more

9 mins

MIRIAM CASEY reports on her equine dental practice externship in the United States – funded by … more

18 mins

HANY M ELSHEIKHA outlines the pathology, transmission, diagnosis and management of this parasitic disease – with … more

39 mins

MARIE CARTER speaks on behalf of SPVS about pedigree dogs, and suggests that the veterinary … more

10 mins

The year is young, and we don’t yet know what it will bring. Although, judging … more

14 mins

DAVID HARWOOD finds that familiar themes reigned supreme at the Goat Veterinary Society’s autumn meeting … more

20 mins

WASN’T life simple before the internet? Actually, I rather suspect that it started to go … more

10 mins

ROGER EVANS faces the wrath of some aggrieved vets, before thinking of apparent bandage-related fetishes … more

13 mins