May 2023

Gerardo Poli offers advice to help prepare students and new graduates for being taken under someone’s wing once they enter practice.

8 mins

Increasing resilience takes time, so Gerardo Poli provides a plan to help you develop it – from embracing change, to identifying a sense of purpose and showing self-compassion.

25 mins

“I get knocked down, but I get up again,” sang Chumbawamba in an ode to “the resilience of ordinary people” back in 1997. Now, in the first of a two-parter, Gerardo Poli asks you to focus on how resilient you truly are.

7 mins

Gerardo Poli concludes this series with a rundown of management options and effective ongoing treatment measures for seizures.

9 mins

Tip of the Week author Gerardo Poli continues this three-part series with a guide on how to classify the different causes of seizures.

5 mins

April 2023

In the first of a three-part series, Tip of the Week author Gerardo Poli explains how the most important part of investigating a seizure case is taking a thorough and accurate history from the owner.

8 mins

Following his previous two blog entries on hyponatraemia, Tip of the Week author Gerardo Poli concludes the trilogy with a look at how to correct serum sodium concentrations.

8 mins

Building on part one of his series on the clinical signs of hyponatraemia, Gerardo Poli looks at the different causes in both dogs and cats and basic treatment.

11 mins

March 2023

In a new three-part series, Gerardo Poli looks at this common disturbance, breaking it down into the clinical signs, causes and how he corrects it.

7 mins

Gerardo Poli follows last week’s explanation of what the curve means by discussing how it indicates a change in haemoglobin’s affinity for oxygen, as well as contributory factors.

9 mins

By focusing on the graph of a typical, healthy individual, Gerardo Poli demonstrates how the curve is a graphical representation of the movement of oxygen around different parts of the body.

10 mins

February 2023

In the second of his posts on pulse oximetry, Gerardo Poli looks at issues that can undermine the accuracy of pulse oximeter readings and discusses how to overcome such problems.

7 mins

Gerardo Poli describes how best to assess the overall oxygen status of a patient and explains why pulse oximetry values should be assessed in the context of the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve.

7 mins

Gerardo Poli concludes this series by summarising that with quick identification and management of this condition, target organ damage can be prevented and prognosis improved.

17 mins

January 2023

Gerardo Poli continues this series by outlining the various ways to classify this condition and highlighting the clinical signs to help diagnose it.

12 mins

Gerardo Poli begins his series about this condition with a rundown of the basics and the ways in which the vulnerable organs are affected.

8 mins

…that is the question when assessing intestinal viability. To help, Gerardo Poli discusses the five criteria he uses when deciding whether to remove a section of small intestine.

8 mins

From a success first time to failing halfway, catheters have the potential to throw up various quandries. To help ensure success, Gerardo shares a trick that often delivers big results, and encourages readers to try it for themselves...

3 mins

Gerardo Poli provides a brief rundown of this condition and some of the symptoms to consider during diagnosis.

2 mins

For his latest Tip of the Week, Gerardo Poli describes a popular technique for those who want to combat procrastination, boost productivity, and generally get things done – preferably in 25 minutes or less.

8 mins