August 2018

Jane Davidson details that knowing whether your dog walker is covered by your insurance is not as simple as it seems and has some advice for those unsure.

14 mins

In the wake of news that Keele University/Harper Adams veterinary school will be partnering with a corporate practice group, Jordan Sinclair wonders if this is a path the industry should be heading down.

20 mins

July 2018

Despite building up a “reputation for muppetry” during his university days, Nick Marsh recalls the hours spent finding ways to overcome his self-confessed lack of physical dexterity.

11 mins

Jane Davidson muses on whether learning communities are the future for VN and vet teaching, especially helping those in vet nursing find a cohesive identity.

18 mins

After a day of consulting without any internet or mobile phone data, Jordan Sinclair came to the realisation how much she relies on it and how more challenging vet work can become.

15 mins

Nick Marsh discusses what he learned after sampling pathology for a few years and how his ignorance of this side of veterinary life, plus a dose of Quincy, M.E., inspired him to find out more.

14 mins

Decision making can often fill us with fear; however, without it, wouldn't life just be dull and unsatisfying? In her latest foreword, VN Times editor Holly Kernot discusses the freedom of being able to chart your own career course.

4 mins

Do you sometimes struggle to get the information you need from a client – especially in an emergency? Jane Davidson reveals her own go-to term that helps direct a conversation and add much-needed focus.

12 mins

Are you a new grad lost or a little nervous now you've ventured into the world of veterinary practice? Then Jordan Sinclair is here to the rescue with practical advice on how to keep your head above water.

21 mins

June 2018

In this, the final post in his series on ethics, Nick Marsh asks if zoos really are the best way to educate on species conservation or if they are, when all said and done, more about money and entertainment.

24 mins

Jane Davidson tackles this issue, stressing why it doesn't matter which building vet professionals get their degree from, what's important is their support during work-based learning and their work ethic.

17 mins

Three months into her latest veterinary job, Jordan Sinclair reflects on the differences between her first and second employer to explain just how important environment is for being able to excel and build in confidence as a new grad.

16 mins

In the third part of this series on veterinary practice funding, Gary Hemming discusses investing in new equipment and cost-effective ways to make payments.

13 mins

Nick Marsh discusses the thorny issue of consent, and the lottery of being a pet and not being able to choose their human carer, especially as owners have different approaches to looking after animals – some less positive than others.

18 mins

Change – is it good or bad? In her first foreword since taking the reins as VN Times editor, Holly Kernot discusses the changes going on all around us – personal and professional – and the exciting times of her editorship ahead.

5 mins

Gary Hemming continues his veterinary practice funding series with details about credit facilities and business loans available, and how to choose the correct service for your circumstances.

13 mins

In light of the imminent anniversary of the Grenfell Tower fire, RVN Jane Davidson discusses the importance of pet safety in the home – and how having an evacuation plan could be a lifesaver on both a human and animal level.

23 mins

May 2018

Despite it being a year since she graduated, Jordan Sinclair reflects on the past 12 months and why she still doesn't feel ready to stop referring to herself as a “new grad”.

10 mins

In the first part of his series on veterinary practice funding, Gary Hemming discusses the basic financial requirements of buying or refinancing a practice and the options for commercial mortgages.

14 mins

Nick Marsh continues his discussion on ethics by musing on the issue of animal testing, focusing on why inequality exists between animals of the same species and why humans aren't so special after all.

29 mins